Yesterday, I had a mini meltdown.
The competition for ‘The Golden Egg Academy’ ball always involves writing a pitch, and if you’re selected, there’s a chance to read your pitch aloud to lit agents, publishers, and everyone else in the room.
I have now entered twice, and lost twice. It’s always a punch to the gut, and I took it badly last night – more so than usual – maybe because I’d already hoped and imagined, or perhaps it was because the ache to be up there reading the book is overpowering.
I was bawling my eyes out last night, then I thought about success this morning, and the steps that lead towards it; coming up with a very positive message for us all who are ‘chomping at the bit’ to get their book into shops.
If the road to publication was easy, there would be no sense of satisfaction. This might even make you feel that you hadn’t earned the right to be an author, or that you somehow had been misled into the route, gifted for no reason. My point is, when we get setbacks, we should really look at them as learning from the universe.
It doesn’t mean that we won’t reach that golden ticket, it just means that we need to have patience. There’s a wonderful saying I read about how rejection is a journey. Enjoy the detours.
Next time, I’m rejected, I’ll re-read this….
and remember.
terrific as well as incredible blog. I truly wish to thanks, for offering
us much better information.
Thanks, I’m so pleased you found it helpful!